The Hunted by Shelia Weiss The Phelidae - young adult fantasy fiction
Your comments are much appreciated!
Thank you guys SO much for your reviews on Facebook and Amazon!  It's the best feeling in the world to know you like it.  :)
Thank you so much Susan for taking the time to read it and provide such a wonderful review!  I'm thrilled you liked it.

 Shelia  :)
Amanda, 30, wrote to her cousin,“…it really could be the next twilight or
harry potter! It is so interesting and really holds my attention it’s a really
good book and an awesome plot!!! I can’t wait to finish it! I think she should
start writing the next one!!!”
“My 10 year old wouldn’t put it down and even skipped meals. 
She finished it in a weekend, wants to reread it and jumped online to
look for the next one.” A father of three explained after stealing his Kindle
back.  ”Now they run around the house talking about it.”

There are no words to describe how thrilling it is to know they are enjoying it.  This road has been a long and rough one but this makes it all well worth it.  Thank you!!!
Shelia :)

p.s.  The second book has already been started.  ;)
Reviews welcome

The Hunted by Shelia Weiss The Phelidae - young adult fantasy fiction