The Hunted by Shelia Weiss The Phelidae - young adult fantasy fiction
Thank you guys SO much for your reviews on Facebook and Amazon!  It's the best feeling in the world to know you like it.  :)
Oh I will be finishing Game of Thrones and starting A Clash of Kings this weekend...mark my words friends. 

Just She ;)
Thank you so much Susan for taking the time to read it and provide such a wonderful review!  I'm thrilled you liked it.

 Shelia  :)
Just a reminder, there's still time to get your entry in for the monthly drawing, but hurry there's only just over a week left!
Of my first pride and joy I must warn there are editing errors.  I admit it makes me less proud and it is a difficult thing to hear but at the same time very necessary. At best I am but a mere storyteller and pray such weaknesses will not be powerful enough to distract from the story and voices of the characters.

Completing and publishing a book has many exhausting elements, all of which continue to be fought through solo, yet with headstrong passion and determination.

Deep down I hope, and thus far been pleasantly informed, that this is in fact the case.

In closing I am happy to reveal the second book is on path to be a solid product of both criticisms as well as adventure resulting in a much smoother and suspenseful read.

Take care,
Just She ;)

Currently lovin’ on (fan of)…
Music (Top 2)
1.  Skrillex - If I have to pick one? “Right In”
2.  Rihanna – If I have to pick one? “You da One”

 TV (Top 2)
 1.  Game of thrones - If I have to pick one? “Jon Snow”
 2.  True Blood - If I have to pick one? “Sookie’s Gran”

 Books (Top 2)
 1.  Game of Thrones (fair to label my current obsession really)
 2.  …there’s room for no other right now till I get through all of them.

Gadgets (Top 2)
 1.  iPhone
 2.  iPad
What can I say, I’m a touch girl!  My friend kindly (after the laughing stopped) retrained me in the art of using the scroll ball recently as she attempted to show me something on her phone.

Yeah, that's right!  I admit it when I'm an idiot.  ;)
Go to the Home page for a word from the author.
To celebrate the New Year we’ve started a monthly drawing.  For more info. check out the Fun Stuff page.

The Hunted by Shelia Weiss The Phelidae - young adult fantasy fiction